Информация о фото
- File Name gallery_12678_490_304148.jpg
- Unix Timestamp 1343824473
- Original File Size 395735
- File Type 2
- Mime Type image/jpeg
- HTML Sizes width="800" height="900"
- Image Height 900
- Image Width 800
- Color TRUE
- Byte Order Motorola FALSE
- Ширина CCD 4mm
- Aperture F-Number f/8.0
- Расстояние фокусировки 4294967296.00m
- Thumbnail File Type 2
- Thumbnail Mime Type image/jpeg
- IFD0.ImageWidth 2000
- IFD0.ImageLength 2250
- IFD0.PhotometricInterpretation 2
- Camera Make Canon
- Camera Model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
- Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
- IFD0.SamplesPerPixel 3
- X-Resolution 2400000/10000
- Y-Resolution 2400000/10000
- Resolution Unit 2
- Software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
- Date Taken 2012:05:02 09:24:36
- Artist unknown
- Thumbnail Compression JPEG Compression
- Thumbnail X-Resolution 72/1
- Thumbnail Y-Resolution 72/1
- Thumbnail Resolution Unit 2
- Thumbnail JPEG Interchange Format 826
- Thumbnail JPEG Interchange Format Length 6910
- Exposure Time 3/10
- F Number 8/1
- Exposure Program Aperture priority
- ISO Speed Ratings 100
- Exif Version 0221
- Date Digitized 2012:05:02 09:24:36
- Скорость затвора 1736966/1000000
- Значение диафрагмы 6/1
- Exposure Bias Value 0/3
- Max Aperture Value 496875/100000
- Расстояние до объекта -1/1
- Metering Mode Pattern
- Flash 16
- Focal Length 55/1
- Color Space 65535
- Image Length 900
- Разрешение по X в фокальной плоскости 3888000/877
- Разрешение по Y в фокальной плоскости 2592000/582
- Единица измерения разрешения в фокальной плоскости 2
- Exposure Mode Auto exposure
- White Balance Manual white balance
- Scene Capture Type Standard
- 1#090 �%G
- IPTC.By-line unknown
- IPTC.DateCreated 20120502
- IPTC.TimeCreated 092436+0000